Organic non-GMO seeds lovingly grown by hand on our small farm in the upper midwest. The varieties are trialed over and over, and each fruit, each plant is selected for greatness and goodness and the seeds are processed by hand for the highest quality.
Ordering information:
Prices are for single packets of seeds. Packets are generously sized, with a few exceptions (Beans and melons have 30-40 seeds each). We test for germination and only batches with high rates (over 85%) and great 'vigor' are sold. Orders are shipped daily in the months of November and December, and twice weekly the rest of the year. Shipping is only charged on orders $30 and under, over that shipping is free. Remember, Members receive 10% off everything, and your purchase helps us fund our free seed program for community and school gardens. We encourage the use of this online catalog, its saves us in printing costs and a few trees as well, however, Print catalogs may be requested here.
About the seeds:
All the varieties we grow and offer are hardy and reliable. There is no guessing involved. Our growing season is from May until about Sept. 15th when it freezes. We have a wet cool spring, July and August it gets at least 100°F and may not rain for 6 weeks or more. Then our September gets cold and wet again into October when we experience frosts and cold. Since our varieties are adapted to shorter seasons, they will grow nearly anywhere. Growing instructions are sent with every order. Thank you!
About the seeds:
All the varieties we grow and offer are hardy and reliable. There is no guessing involved. Our growing season is from May until about Sept. 15th when it freezes. We have a wet cool spring, July and August it gets at least 100°F and may not rain for 6 weeks or more. Then our September gets cold and wet again into October when we experience frosts and cold. Since our varieties are adapted to shorter seasons, they will grow nearly anywhere. Growing instructions are sent with every order. Thank you!

Yellow Roman Candle

Tsungshigo Chinese

Kellogg's Breakfast Improved

Ida Gold

Jimmy Nardello's


Double Yield Pickling

Heirloom Tomato Seeds Bundle